Professional labs

How Professional Labs helps in Cost optimization Azure

How Professional Labs helps in Cost optimization Azure

When any organization moves to cloud, they have various reasons to move like availability, DR, Cost savings, redundancy better SLA’s etc

Amongst the above factors we are going to talk about Cost today.

It is crucial to optimize costs to get the maximum value out of the cloud. Cost optimizations ensure that “You pay for what you use”.

1) Sizing Azure Resources appropriately:

Sizing of Azure resource becomes extremely important. To enable appropriate sizing of your Azure resources you could go to Azure advisor and it will have a bunch of recommendations for you. This will ensure that you are paying and using the right resources.

2) Removing Stale/Unwanted resources:

So often we have seen customers having unwanted or stale resources present in their Azure environment. For example we were working with the customer and we filtered the resources with the name test and we found at least 70 unattached disks present. More often than not we have seen customers creating resources for test purposes and then forgetting to delete it. You can avoid this by doing hygiene checks regularly and implementing Azure policies to avoid such situations proactively.

With Professional Labs Managed Services in Azure we follow below strategies to optimize cost, you can follow these simple steps and ensure that you are paying for what you use.

1) Right sizing Azure resources

2) Removing stale/Unwanted resources

3) Reserving Instances wherever possible &/or using Azure Savings Plan

4) Using Azure Spot instances.

We will go over this one by one in details.

3) Reserved Instances & or Using Azure Savings Plan: 

We recommend a combination of Azure reserved instances and savings plan for the environment.

a) Reserved Instances: 

It is recommended to apply Azure reservations for stable resources ie. resources which will exist in long run. These are the resources which you are sure about that they will continue to exist over the next one or three years.

b) Savings Plan:  

Azure savings plan can allow you to save up to 70% of your compute These are for the resources which can’t be reserved but you know for sure that the overall compute for your subscription is going to run a specific dollar amount. for example if $10,000 is being spent every month on compute you could go for a savings plan of $5 per hour that is $3600 per month and it could help save you 20 to 30% of the cost if you choose one year and 40 to 70% of the cost if you choose three year

c) For our customers we generally recommend a combination of reserved instances and Savings plan: 

Following our methodology a customer can attain maximum saving out of their compute Following this approach, we are able reduce partners 50 to 60% of their overall Azure consumption by the below examples we are going to investigate our approach.
For example let’s assume that an organization spends one million U.S. dollar every month in Azure Billings. these $1,000,000 are spent on pay as you go pricing, with the approach listed below by using a combination of Azure savings plan and reserved instances of their an organization can save up to 50% billing cost

 customers we generally recommend 

i) As shown in the above example as your organization is paying hunting $1,000,000 it’s important that you segregate is unpredictable Was stable computer source and which are the dynamic resource but with a steady spend

 ii) As a part of our strategy we try to differentiate between these type of resources the resource which are stable compute resources we tend to reserve those resources Which can save up to 70%

iii)  For the resources which are dynamic but with a steady spend we recommend our customers to go for Azure savings plan which can save up to 50% And for the remaining resources we can keep them as pay as you go

4) Azure Spot Instances:

Azure spot virtual machines are unused compute capacity which can offer significant cost savings. This can help customers save up to 90% of their compute cost. as always we work with our customers to identify the types of workloads which are being run if the workloads can be interrupted. once identified we choose workloads to be a Azure spot.

5) Once this is done it can offer customers significant saving up to 90% . As you can understand by the above example with professional labs delivery methodology and our zeal to help our customers reduce cost and see a return on investments in our services we  use these and various other delivery methodologies to reduce your Azure costs. 

To know more about this contact us.