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Active Directory Sites in a Nutshell

active directory sites in a nutshell

Active directory is a powerful directory service which allows customization services according to any company’s needs. AD tools are powerful tools which allow the AD network to design as per various structures including logical and physical structure. The logical structure includes domains, forests etc. And physical structure includes domain controller, servers, etc.

What actually are active directory sites?

AD sites manage organizations which are spread across different geographical locations and different places and which are of same domain. This site provides solution of managing AD network of different geographically region without any changes in logical structure. It also helps the sites to achieve cost efficiency and speed target. It also controls over site traffic and authentication process. Active directory can also locate the DC to perform certain actions like handling client logon, services and directory searches etc.

Also the active directory services and sites is the tool that manages sites and its components. There are certain tasks performed by active directory site which includes:

  • To create new site and also to configure replication within the sites of the organizations.

  • To add server, domain controller, internal links etc. to the site.

  • To move or to repair domain controller.

  • Control and manage the site.

Active directory sites can benefit you in several ways; the very first is when you create the sites then it let you control duplicate traffic over WAN links. Another benefit of active directory sites in your AD design is, it ensures that structure that the logon traffic doesn’t travel over WAN links.

There are also Lot of Active directory consultancy in the market. But we suggest you to check the Best Active Directory Consulting Service.

If you want to gain control over the site then you can view the AD sites, delete sites and network, modify AD sites, and you can add additional network to AD sites.

Importance of AD sites:

  • An AD site provides better control on logon and traffic on the site.

  • It is a well connected group of subnets which makes the AD sites easier to define physical structure of the AD.

  • These AD sites controls and optimize replication traffic over the WAN links.

  • Ensures there is no unnecessary traffic on the site.

Few terms to understand in Active Directory Sites in Nutshell:

  1. Subnets: Subnets are associated with IP addresses and are linked to various sites of an organization. Subnets define and identify IP addresses of any particular sites.

  2. AD Sites Links: Site links object are used to form links between AD sites so that there are no duplicate links occur between them. When the active directory is first installed in the forest then the default site link is created which is also called as default first site links. 

  3. Site Link Bridge: A site link bridge is an AD object which is used for connecting a group of site together at a place. When all the sites are connected then it uses the same transport channel for communication. The process can be done manually or automatically which means when the site link transitivity is enabled i.e. if it is on, then the site link bridge gets automatically created between the sites and if it is disabled i.e. off, then the admin need to create site link bridges manually.

  4. AD Replications: There are continuous changes made in AD infrastructure and when the changes are made in any domain controller, and then the other domain controller gets notified about the changes every time. Here there are two types; intra site replication and inter site replication.

  5. Intra site replications: Intra site replication particularly takes place between the domain controller that are one of the part of the similar sites and it is completely based on change notification and update automatically on domain controller. When there is an update made in domain controller, then it will notify the replication partner about that change, timing of the change and notification is sent after the change.

  6. Inter site replications: The replication takes place between domain controller which are at different sites and are at different locations as well, the bandwidth is then compressed and then AD gives admin a message to schedule it.

Lets Conclude,

You need to monitor your sites effectively to ensure organization’s active directory sites are well managed and are up to the mark. Connect with us to monitor and secure your AD environment.